




  Office decoration decoration engineering through field tests, Showcase production material acceptance, acceptance and final acceptance of four mid stage, office decoration after the completion of the project, if the owners of any problems found, first with the decoration design and decoration company contact, find the original construction team decoration company responsible person, such as that belongs to the quality of the construction market props decoration design, decoration company must unconditionally refueling for the user free.


  According to the contract, decoration design decoration company responsible for the maintenance of a certain period of time. Specific warranty issues: deformation due to seasonal temperature difference caused by cracking, (including panel, wall and floor tiles, wood products, etc.); caused by the construction of market props quality problems, such as water Water Leakage, short circuit etc..


  A, site construction


  Site construction by owners, designers, office office decoration engineering supervision and construction executives involved in the Quartet, is aimed at the scene by the office of the person in charge of the construction designer to explain the budget for the project, drawings, special technology, and coordinate the relevant formalities.


  Two, Showcase production material acceptance


  In the formal decoration company office materials will showcase placed to the construction site before, the need for acceptance of their owners, the owners should pay attention to whether the material is consistent with the details of the contract case, only the owners signed after the office decoration decoration company before construction.


  Three, mid-term acceptance


  In the interim acceptance, the owners in addition to the overall effect of the identification of the office decoration, it is important to look at the construction of the office decoration engineering market props quality is satisfactory. Generally from the following aspects.


  First check the lighting circuit is in accordance with the regulations, socket, switch, the total gate leakage switch, whether according to the drawings; kitchen appliances, air conditioning to use green place, avoid the interference of magnetic field; TV antenna and a telephone line installed in the position for easy maintenance.


  Secondly, check whether the drainage is smooth, there is no leakage and reflux and water phenomenon, high-grade water supplies with or without scratches. Check whether the new wall is vertical, the level of brick body is consistent, whether the seams are even and neat.


  Finally look at the paint is smooth, feel better, and no cracks in the 1m looks like there is color and eye. Interim acceptance of the owners, office designers, office decoration project manager and the construction of the person in charge of the participation, after the acceptance of the quality certificate in the mall to sign the report confirmed.


  The four and final inspection


  The needs of owners, designers, office decoration engineering supervision office, the person in charge of the construction of the overall acceptance of the Quartet in the office decoration engineering materials, office design, Showcase production process quality market props, qualified only after the signature confirmation.

上一篇:办公室装修吊顶应该如何来选购? 下一篇:如何将办公室装修的稳重、大气、上档次?

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